You can pay for your Gullwing kayak
paddle with your credit card or with your
PayPal account. We have two models to choose from;
215cm and 230cm.
Model 215 Our original, traditional
kayak paddle designed for recreational
Model 230 are longer kayak
paddles designed for tall people and are
ideal for fishing.
Foam Grips Grips easily slip on to
handle of kayak paddle. Inner diameter 1-1/8 inch
inner diameter view
Baja Leash Four foot black leash
clips onto kayak paddle and connects to side of kayak
Hand Grips Transform your blades
into powerful hand paddles.Inner diameter 1 inch view
Extra Blades view
Extra 230cm Aluminum Shaft
Extra 215cm Aluminum Shaft
Website Special: Purchase
either kayak paddle at full price and receive a pair
of foam grips FREE.
Press the appropriate Buy Now button
to place your order. |
Model 215 215cm Shaft
and Blades: $139.00ea plus shipping and handling |
Model 230 230cm Shaft
and Blades:: $149.00ea plus shipping and handling |
Foam Grips 10.5in (pair)
$12.50pr plus shipping and handling
Soft, Plush and Comfortable: 1-1/8 inch innder diameter |
Baja Leash $21.99ea
shipping and handling included |
Hand Grips 10.5in (pair)
$19.50pr plus shipping and handling Soft and Comfortable:
1 inch inner diameter |
Extra Pair of Blades
$70.00ea plus shipping and handling |
Extra Model 230 Aluminum shaft
$79.00ea plus shipping and handling |
Extra Model 215 Aluminum shaft
$69.00ea plus shipping and handling |